2023-2024 Earth and Environmental Science Faculty Jobs

Welcome to the Earth and Environmental Science Jobs List, now co-hosted by ESWN! This crowd-sourced list includes pages for Tenure Track/Permanent jobs, Non-Tenure Track Faculty, and Postdoc positions. Graduate student positions are co-moderated by Geoscience Education Mentoring Support (GEMS).
This is a collaborative, crowd-sourced list which works best when everyone contributes. See a job that’s not listed? Add it using the link “Add a job here” at the top of each spreadsheet! To switch between Faculty/Permanent Jobs, NTT Faculty Jobs, and Postdocs click on the titles at the bottom of the spreadsheet.
Please follow the guidelines that are listed at the top of each page in the spreadsheet. We expect this to be a useful and safe resource: respect the privacy of applicants and candidates.
If you have questions of concerns, please reach out to us at geo.facjobs@gmail.com or on Twitter at earth_jobs.