Pakistan government office, movie producer Solid co-have occasion to feature climate change, glacial melting

ISLAMABAD : Ambassador of Pakistan in France Asim Iftikhar Ahmed and prestigious environmentalist and movie producer Luc Solid co-facilitated an occasion to feature the difficulties of climate change aand glacial melting.
Held at the UNESCO Base camp in Paris, the occasion likewise highlighted the head screening of film “Ice Goliaths: Finding the Karakorum,” as per a public statement got on Wednesday.
This followed a board conversation with top names in the field including paleoclimatologist Valerie Masson-Delmotte, glaciologists Patrick Wagnon and Fanny Brun and Luc Solid and enlivened by François Carrel.
A full house including negotiators, specialists, academicians, think tanks, environmentalists media and general public immersed by the enthralling narrative and conversation with specialists.
The occasion established more prominent mindfulness about the worldwide climate emergency, its effect on populaces and environments, and the criticalness of aggregate activity to address those difficulties.
It additionally enormously projected Pakistan’s powerful mountains and more than 7,000 icy masses, magnificence and quality of the locale, and its driving job in worldwide climate talk.