Pakistan Water Week 2022, Role of Water-Food-Energy and Ecosystem Nexus for a Climate Resilient Pakistan, 28 Oct, 2022

October 24th-28th, 2022
Registration in Sessions for Online Conference
The Ministry of Water Resources, through the Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources (PCRWR), in collaboration with International Water Management Institute (IWMI) Pakistan, ICARDA and CGIAR’s Water Land and Ecosystem (WLE) flagship program, is jointly organizing a Pakistan Water Week 2022 International Conference with the theme Role of Water-Food-Energy and Ecosystem Nexus for a Climate Resilient Pakistan from 24th-28th October.
In 1980, Pakistan had a relatively abundant supply of water. In 2000, Pakistan had become water-stressed. And by 2035, Pakistan is predicted to have become water scarce. Climate change and COVID-19 have only exacerbated the problems facing Pakistan and its use of water.
And so, Pakistan Water Week 2022, the first-ever event of its kind, aims to bring together academics, government officials, NGOs, and policy experts from home and abroad to discuss the problems facing Pakistan today. For example, one serious problem is the lack of reliable, accurate and actionable data. Another problem is over-extraction and depletion of groundwater resources. And disparate policies in the various sectors of water, food security and climate change make implementation more difficult.
While identifying problems, however, Pakistan Water Week 2022 will also focus on climate resilient solutions, both digital innovations along with those based on nature. In addition, the role of the media and of women’s leadership will also be explored in the context of water. Ultimately, the goal of Pakistan Water Week 2022 is to figure out strategies to meet the competing water needs of different sectors, design a research plan that will guide investments in applied research and development, identify sustainable water management strategies that take climate change into account, and identify gaps in policies and practices that can be filled with better scientific understanding.
But in addition to high-level policy discussions, Pakistan Water Week 2022 will also incorporate a public awareness campaign which includes the use of social media, exhibitions highlighting the coordination between the private water sector with the academic and public sectors, a poster competition for university students and the use of games and debate competitions to raise awareness among younger students.