Latest Cutting-edge Water Recycling And Treatment Technologies On Display At Pakistan Water Week Exhibition 2022
Souce: Pakistan Point News - 27th Oct, 2022

ISLAMABAD : The latest cutting-edge water recycling and treatment technologies displayed at the two-day ‘Pakistan Water Week Exhibition 2022’ kicked off at Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources (PCRWR) on Thursday captured the attention of the visitors from different walks of life, water experts and students.
The Water Week Exhibition is being arranged as a part of Pakistan Water Week celebrations by PCRWR in collaboration with the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) and other partners.
The exhibition was inaugurated by the Federal Minister for Water Resources, Syed Khursheed Ahmed Shah in a ceremony while Chairman PCRWR, Dr. Muhammad Ashraf and officials of the ministry and PCRWR were also present on the occasion.
The exhibition of technology products was aimed at motivating professionals, youth and general public to learn from the visions, solutions, research findings and technology advancements of these companies for resolving challenges being faced by the ecosystem.
Various national and international companies showcased their innovative technologies during the exhibition including Water Management Models at all water use sectors and Water Quality Management technologies by PCRWR; Sensors and Monitoring of flood early Warning System by BURAQ Integrated Solutions; HEIS, (High Efficiency Irrigation System) for Agriculture by Flow Engineering and UK brand company sharing kit to monitor Arsenic and heavy metals in water by Aquaffirm.
The other products included Membrane for Water filtration by National University of Science and Technology; Water Filtration System for flood affected areas by Saaf Pani USA; High Efficiency Irrigation System for Agriculture by Rabail technology; High Efficiency Irrigation System for Agriculture by Rabail technology, Showing their Project for Water Security in Islamabad and Rawalpindi by WWF; mobile Advisory to the farmers for Irrigation by SAWIE.
Some other technologies exhibited were Domestic Water Filters by Aqua Guard; Displayed project regarding Smart Water Metering by CCRD, COMSAT; New Technologies for Water Treatment in flood affected Areas by Tahoor Enterprises; Different project on Water Management by IWMI and Showed different treatment chemicals for Waste Water in the industry by Prime Chemicals.
Besides the exhibition, around 40 posters made by the students as a part of Poster Competition were displayed on the occasion while the six projects were also exhibited by the students.
The winners of different competitions arranged by PCRWR including poster, debate and games competitions and essay contests during the Water Week celebrations will be announced in the concluding ceremony to be held on Friday.
It is pertinent to mention here that PCRWR is promoting cost-effective water, agriculture and climate technologies across the country to improve the efficiency of water usage and encourages various industries to contribute in addressing Pakistan’s water challenges of agriculture, domestic and industrial sectors.