Innovative hydraulic engineering designs vital to utilize full potential of water resources of Pakistan
Civil Engineering Department at UET Lahore Hosts Seminar on Challenges in Design of Hydraulic Structures

- Vice Chancellor of UET Lahore, Prof. Engr. Dr. Syed Mansoor Sarwar said, innovative, economic and improved hydraulic designs should be provided in all hydraulic structures to achieve efficient economic outcomes.
- Civil Engineering Department, UET, Lahore hosts seminar on “Challenges in Design of Hydraulic Structures”
- Experts share their experiences, new innovations regarding the design, operations, and maintenance of Hydraulic Structures at seminar organized by the Civil Engineering Department, UET, Lahore
- Local and foreign scholars, engineers, managers and leaders emphasized the significance and need of innovative hydraulic engineering designs for canals and rivers, storage and dams, diversion and transport of water across Pakistan.
- Lahore: Innovative hydraulic engineering designs are vital to fully utilize the immense potential of water resources of Pakistan.
These views were expressed by the experts and professionals while sharing their experiences, new innovations regarding the design, operations, and maintenance of Hydraulic Structures at a seminar “Challenges in Design of Hydraulic Structures” organized by the Civil Engineering Department, UET, Lahore, on Wednesday.

Engineers from academia and industry, large number of students and researchers from Turkey, Nepal, Australia, Philippines, and Pakistan participated in this seminar.
In his inaugural address, Vice Chancellor of UET Lahore, Prof. Engr. Dr. Syed Mansoor Sarwar discussed the importance of hydraulic structures and role of academia in addressing the need of the industry.
“Innovative, economic and improved hydraulic designs should be provided in all hydraulic structures to achieve efficient economic outcomes”, he said.
Chairman civil engineering department Prof. Dr. Khalid Farooq, welcomed the local and foreign participants of the seminar.
The chairman also praised the efforts of Prof. Dr. Habib-ur-Rehman, Dean Faculty of Civil Engineering, Prof. Dr. Noor Muhammad Khan, the head of hydraulic and Irrigation Engineering Division and their team members Engr Usman Ali, Dr Muhammad Shahid and Engr Abdur Rehman for organizing this event which made the experts, professionals, and students in the field of hydraulics to exchange their views.
The chief guest Engr. Shahid Hameed, Advisor to Chairman WAPDA on hydroplaning, addressed the session and shared the challenges faced by WAPDA during the development of hydropower projects in past and appreciated the efforts of Civil Engineering Department for improving the understanding of engineers in the field of hydraulic engineering.
In the technical session, Mr. Eric Lesleighter a consulting engineer from Australia, Dr Ajoy Karki, Director Sanima Hydro Engineering Nepal, Engr Syed Abbas, Senior Engineer NESPAK Lahore Pakistan, Dr. Kaleem Sarwar, Associate Professor, Center of Excellence in Water Resources Engineering Lahore Pakistan, Engr. Murat Sahin and Engr. Onuralp Mescigil from DOLSAR Engineering Turkey shared their experiences and new innovations regarding the design, operations, and maintenance of Hydraulic Structures.
In the end, Dean faculty of Civil Engineering, Chairman Civil Engineering Department, Head of Hydraulic Engg Division distributed soveineirs and certificates among the participants and organizers of the event.
By: M.A