COMSTECH Announces Science Communication Awards 2024

Islamabad: COMSTECH, an organization build to nourish a scientific culture for socio-economic development and rapid industrialization, announces COMSTECH Announces Science Communication Awards 2024.
COMSTECH is a Ministerial Standing Committee on Scientific and Technological Cooperation of the OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation), and was established by the Third Islamic Summit of OIC held at Makkah, Saudi Arabia in January 1981.
- COMSTECH Science Communication Award for Journalism
Download Form: Click Here
- Individuals and media organizations engaged in science communication through journalism, including journalists, writers, reporters, and media outlets, who are actively involved in science journalism to create impact in Muslim world, are eligible to submit entries based on their published content.
- COMSTECH Science Communication Award for Academia
Download Form: Click Here
- Researcher, academics, and individuals engaged in science communication through scholarly publications, academic conferences, active developing science talent in science communication or educational programs or has developed modules currently in use creating to policy making are eligible to submit entries.
- Each of the above two awards carries a certificate, shield of honour, and cash prize of US $1000.
Nominations for the COMSTECH Awards 2023 are invited from science academies, national research councils, universities, research institutions, and internationally distinguished scientists who are citizens of, and working in, OIC member states.
Nominations will be judged by the committees of distinguished scientists/experts in relevant field appointed by Coordinator General COMSTECH.
A signed cover letter by the applicant along with softcopies of the relevant nomination papers be sent to COMSTECH Secretariat (
Nominations should clearly state the contributions made in the field during past two years (2022-2023) for which the prize would be given.
The nominations must be submitted in the English language and English translation of the related documents must be accompanied along with the following documents.
- Complete application form with signatures
- CV (no longer than 4000 words)
- List of Publications
- Endorsement letter from the Head of Institution
The closing date of receipt of the applications is Sunday, March 31, 2024. Applications received after the closing date shall not be entertained. For enquiries please contact