Climate Change

Climate change termed biggest and greatest challenge for the planet

LAHORE: Climate change as the greatest test confronting the planet, the Punjab lead representative Muhammad Balighur Rehman has said the Punjab government knows about the difficult circumstance and measures are being taken on a crisis premise to manage it.

While tending to the initial meeting of the ‘International Climate Change Conference’ coordinated by a confidential university on Wednesday, the lead representative expressed that because of climate change, Pakistan is among the main 10 countries most impacted by the unexpected expansion in temperature, liquefying of icy masses and deforestation. Because of climate change, farming area is enduring which would significantly affect economy, he said.

He underlined the need to take on present day innovation in agribusiness area. He said that completely fit vehicles ought to be permitted to utilize on the streets and alongside this; advanced innovation ought to be taken on in new vehicles.

The lead representative likewise established a sapling in the university yard and petitioned God for the turn of events and security of the country. He valued the endeavors of the university organization for holding an international conference on the significant issue.

The Bad habit Chancellor Dr Mujahid Kamran, Director Leading body of Lead representatives Muhammad Islam likewise tended to the occasion.

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