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At 26th WEC, Envoy Features Pakistan’s Perspective on Climate Change Procedure and Strategy

Ambassador of Pakistan to The Netherlands Suljuk Mustansar Tarar on Friday went to the 26th World Energy Congress held in the city of Rotterdam and addressed Pakistan at the Undeniable Level Roundtable on climate change, energy security, and clean energy progress

ISLAMABAD – Representative of Pakistan to The Netherlands Suljuk Mustansar Tarar on Friday went to the 26th World Energy Congress held in the city of Rotterdam and addressed Pakistan at the Undeniable Level Roundtable on climate change, energy security, and clean energy progress.

The World Energy Congress is the world’s longest-laid out energy occasion, having molded the worldwide energy plan for a long time. This is the main worldwide energy occasion assembling more than 200 speakers and 70 or more clergymen, close by north of 7,000 global energy partners.

The four-day occasion crossed over areas, geologies, ages and frameworks to make quicker, more pleasant, and more sweeping energy changes occur.

Representative Tarar shared Pakistan’s perspective on aggregate methodology to handle climate change and featured Pakistan’s strategy systems like the Public Electric Vehicle Strategy, and Substitute and Sustainable power Strategy, said an official statement.

He likewise met Agent State leader Deny Jetten of The Netherlands and Chief and Secretary General of World Energy Congress Dr. Angela Wilkinson.

In the gathering, he talked about investigating open doors for specialized ability and cooperation to drive Pakistan’s energy progress forward.

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