Climate Change

Effects of climate change on crops in Pakistan

Due to climate change, Pakistan’s overall growth is affected worldwide as cash crop farmers have to pay extra for their crops in addition to losses due to heat or harsh rains. Positive changes in human attitudes (attitudes) with climate extremes and reduced supply of quality food, especially in developing countries, have led to new diseases appearing in crops in addition to animals and humans.

Achieving the ability to differentiate growth in crop yield and health in growth (nature) and severity (severity) in a group corresponding to a significant growing situation. There is a large increase in the production of food grains, because of changes in the timing and method of cultivation of different crops as well as in irrigation. Progressive farmers are adopting modern methods of agronomists to adapt to changes and changes in climate but small farmers are not following the new will due to which they have less number of progressive farmers.

The obvious cause of some of the climate change occurring in the present conditions. Due to the melting of the world’s glaciers, the islands of the West Indies, Indonesia and the Maldives have been submerged in the sea and the process continues with great speed. Further new plans have been pursued to build seaward embankments to protect the Netherlands. There are countless other global climate changes. It is well-documented that climate change is increasing during warming, aquifers are decreasing, rainfall patterns are changing, methane gas (methane gas) is being added, harmful and industrialization is increasing. As is happening, production of major crops has declined. New summer records are being set for more of the sun’s virulent (warming) rays hitting Earth because of the ozone layer (ozone layer).

In Punjab from May to July, the temperature is so high that apart from vegetables and pulses, maize and hardy crops also get scorched. Crops from cultivation to bearing in most conditions have a balanced heat input, while heat yields are poor due to heat, plants suffer from sunburn. ) is seen in 1992, the worst flood in history occurred in the river Jhelum. In July 1996, 500 mm of rain was recorded in 24 locations in Lahore. In 2001, 621 rains in 10 meters in Islamabad created an unusual flood situation. Rains are always less in Balochistan, but in 2005, heavy loss of lives and property was seen due to floods in Balochistan. In 1998, the Siachen glacier melted up to 66 feet and the Indian army retreated rapidly in a flood situation.

Siachen glacier is melting fast due to rising temperature which is expected to determine flood situation in Pakistan in few minutes. The yield reports of various crops from 2001 to 2007 show that grain shrunk as temperature increased and yield decreased due to good early growth of rabi crops. In the beginning of the year 208, after reading the half-yearly head to a surprising extent, the people of Punjab have also been suffering from drought for 3 fields, which affects not only mangoes, but also vegetables, and other hardy crops besides wheat are also affected. . Absolutely. From 1975 to 2000, the average weekly temperature did not exceed 45 degrees Celsius, but during the year 2016, the temperature in the months of May and June exceeded 47 degrees Celsius.

Due to climate change, the agricultural production of various crops, vegetables and fruits decreased not only in Pakistan but also globally. Prices of agricultural commodities, especially pulses, vegetables and dry fruits, rose dramatically. Pakistan is projected to have a low rainfall regime and according to a recent report by the Pakistan Panel on Climate China, Pakistan is ranked among the top ten countries with the highest rainfall. Adversely affected steps are to accelerate future agricultural dreams in view of changing climatic conditions under a comprehensive strategy, all research advice.

Coping with climate change calls for a reorientation of collective national affairs and a shift in collective national thinking. Organized research and dissemination efforts with a national spirit are needed to set up agriculture at the district level and reach the doorsteps of small farmers. The ground reality is that there has been a change in the characteristics of farming in different districts of Punjab. While revising the agricultural research and extension system, considering the variable agricultural needs, the cultivation, irrigation of crops and crop rotation are undetermined by the district head. Mobile phone and internet best offer for up-to-date weather news of the district. It is necessary to improve the weather forecasting system at the national level by utilizing modern satellite technology.

Adverse effects of changing seasons during cultivation can be avoided to a large extent by timely weather forecasting. Likewise, wise use of agricultural inputs, especially fertilizers and rain-fed groundwater, can significantly reduce production costs per acre.

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