
#Beijing Water Design Tech, ParkView City Sign MoU for Construction of Water Fountains

China Pakistan cooperative partnership for the construction of mesmerizing dancing fountains at Downtown Islamabad

  • China Pakistan cooperative partnership for the construction of mesmerizing dancing fountains at Downtown Islamabad

Islamabad: China’s Beijing Water Design Technology and Pakistan’s ParkView City Islamabad have signed a cooperative partnership for the construction of the construction of the mesmerizing dancing fountains at Downtown Islamabad.

Beijing Water Design Technology. ParkView City Islamabad Sign MoU for Construction of Dancing Fountains
Beijing Water Design Technology. ParkView City Islamabad Sign MoU for Construction of Dancing Fountains

The MOU for the construction of the dancing fountains was signed by CEO ParkView City Islamabad, Mr. Omer Abdul Mannan and CEO Beijing Water Design Technology, Mr. Xin Su here on Thursday.

The chief guest of the ceremony was Chairman Vision Group, Mr. Abdul Aleem Khan. All the notable guests expressed appreciation and a strong commitment towards the development of the project, and a long term relationship.

After the MoU signing ceremony shields were presented to the whole team of Beijing Water Design company. The shields were presented by Chairman Vision Group Mr. abdul Aleem Khan along with CEO ParkView City Islamabad Mr. Omer Abdul Manan, Dierctor Sales & Marketing Mr. Fareed Zaka Bajwa.

Beijing Water Design Technology. ParkView City Islamabad Sign MoU for Construction of Water Fountains 23
Beijing Water Design Technology. ParkView City Islamabad Sign MoU for Construction of Water Fountains 2023

CEO Beijing Water Design,Mr. Xin Su along the Director Yiting Su expressed appreciation towards all the arrangement and warm welcome.

The whole team of Beijing Water Design is excited to work with the ParkView City team in building the magnificent “Dancing Fountain”, Mr. Xin Su in his remrks.

Chairman Vision Group Mr. Abdul Aleem Khan speaking at the MOU signing ceremony expressed his desire for a long future of this relationship with the Beijing Water Design on a lot more projects after this one.

Chairman FairDeal Marketing and Platinum Partner of ParkView City Chaudhary Abdul Rauf expressed his support and happiness on this new initiative of ParkView City with collaboration of Chinese company.

Director Sales and Marketing ParkView City Islamabad, Mr. Fareed Zaka Bajwa conveyed good wishes on the bright future of ParkView City as it initiates one of its most beautiful projects that will make the society stand out.

This marks the beginning of a long-term partnership that will bring prosperity for both the parties.

We wish everyone involved good luck for this project and hope it comes out as beautiful as it has been envisioned, the organized conclude.


VOW Desk

The Voice of Water: news media dedicated for water conservation.

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