US water specialists conclude visit

ISLAMABAD: As a feature of the Climate and Environment Working Group (CEWG) and the Green Coalition Structure, a designation of US water security specialists finished up its four-day visit to Pakistan subsequent to examining organizations to address water security issues, admittance to clean water, overseeing flood dangers and supporting climate-savvy farming.
In a proclamation, the US Embassy said that the designation of the water specialists visited Islamabad from December 11-15. The appointment included agents from the US Branch of State, US Armed force Corps of Architects, US Land Study, US Consulate Islamabad, and USAID.
It added that the assignment met with the Services of Water Assets, Climate Change, the Federal Flood Commission (FFC), the Indus River System Authority (IRSA), commonplace water system divisions, the scholarly world, and confidential area accomplices to examine the Living Indus drive, Re-energize Pakistan, water the executives and administration, and hydropower issues. The designation likewise visited a water treatment plant and Simly Dam.
Tending to the public authority, the scholarly world, and confidential area accomplices, the designation talked about organizations to address water security issues, including admittance to clean water, overseeing flood takes a chance after the overwhelming surges of 2022, and supporting climate-brilliant horticulture, it added.
The CEWG is a leader two-sided drive to fortify collaboration on horticulture, clean energy, and water, with a definitive point of working on Pakistani lives and safeguarding the climate. The third, significant level CEWG Discourse will occur in spring 2024 in Washington, DC, as per the assertion.