Climate ChangeCOP29

Turkish ambassador: COP29 is very significant for Azerbaijan

The upcoming COP29 session, scheduled for November 2024 in Baku, is of paramount importance for Azerbaijan, Türkiye’s Ambassador to Azerbaijan Cahit Bagci said during a recent event focused on COP29 and the Green World Solidarity Year titled “Business Challenges of Global Climate Change”, Report informs.

Ambassador Bagci emphasized the significance of the event, stating, “In November, Baku will be at the center of the world’s attention.”

He highlighted that the conference will feature a diverse array of discussions, panels, and meetings.

The Turkish ambassador congratulated Azerbaijan on hosting this prestigious event and revealed that Türkiye plans to participate with a high-level delegation.

“Türkiye will closely follow COP29 through its ministries, media, municipalities, and civil society organizations,” Bagci noted.

In an interesting development, he also announced Türkiye’s bid to host COP31, showcasing the country’s commitment to climate diplomacy.

The Conference of the Parties (COP) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change is an annual event, with presidency rotating among five UN regions. Azerbaijan’s selection as the host for COP29 is a testament to its growing influence in international affairs and its commitment to addressing climate change.

The choice of Baku Olympic Stadium as the venue underscores Azerbaijan’s experience in hosting large-scale international events.

To ensure a transparent, impartial, and inclusive process, the COP29 Presidency has developed a plan based on two mutually supportive directions: increasing ambitions and catalyzing action.


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