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Farmers demand construction, develop of small dams in Waziristan

Nearby ranchers and residents demanded development of little dams in Wana in Lower South Waziristan. Because of the absence of little dams in Wana, Lower South Waziristan Locale, the plantations of organic product trees are dreaded to evaporate. As per the report, nearby ancestral individuals thousands of natural product trees not just in plantations consistently, rather, thousands of trucks stacked with various leafy foods are sent from here each year to be sold in various business sectors of the country.

Nearby residents said, yet unfortunately, the ranchers and cultivators here are exceptionally stressed because of the consistent fall of the water level for the beyond quite a long while. Ranchers let Day break know that assuming the Common Government Khyber Pakhtunkhowa does whatever it takes to construct crisis premise little dams and actually look at dams to store rainwater, the water level will rise. Ranchers further said that in the event that the dams are not built in time, there is a gamble of the nurseries here evaporating.

Said nearby rancher Raz Mohammad that the region of Lower South Waziristan is a ripe rural region, particularly apples, potatoes, apricots and peaches are known all through the country for their pleasantness.

Not with standing, because of the absence of little dams and check dams, they are dealing with difficult issues because of the fall in the water level. Then again, South Waziristan Lower SDO Zia Uddin said that the issue of water in Wana is serious however we are making an honest effort that little dams and check dams ought to be developed in Wana to tackle the water table issue in Wana. The occupants here express, that to control the falling water level, the public authority ought to support little dams and check dams here on a crisis premise, which won’t just control the water level, rather.

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