Climate ChangeCOP29

President calls for worldwide endeavors to address challenge of climate change

President Asif Ali Zardari has underlined the requirement for worldwide endeavors to address the test of climate change by taking on environment-accommodating innovation, advancing afforestation, and lessening ozone depleting substance discharges.

He communicated these perspectives while conversing with Minister of Biology and Normal Assets of Azerbaijan Mukhtar Babayev, who alongside a designation approached the President in Islamabad today.

President Zardari featured that an Earth-wide temperature boost and climate change are influencing the ice sheets and causing water shortage.

He said handling these difficulties needs worldwide help to alleviate their unfavorable effects.

Inviting the Minister, the President saluted Azerbaijan on winning the bid to have COP 29. He communicated the expectation that COP 29 would bring about defining the New Aggregate Measured Objective on Money that would assist emerging nations with satisfying their climate finance needs.

He featured that Pakistan has established mangrove backwoods north of hundreds of thousands of hectares that would assist with safeguarding the environment, other than acquiring carbon credits for Pakistan.

The President said that Pakistan exceptionally esteems its relations with Azerbaijan and needs to additionally expand reciprocal collaboration in the space of normal interest.

He called for advancing more communications, respective exchanges and individuals to-individuals contacts to additional concrete relations between the two thoughtful countries.

On the event, Mukhtar Babayev underlined the requirement for additional upgrading two-sided participation among Pakistan and Azerbaijan, especially in the space of the travel industry and culture.

Being the COP 29 President-assign, he additionally conveyed the solicitation to the President Zardari to partake in COP 29 in Baku in November this year.

The President conveyed his all the best for the effective facilitating of COP 29 and communicated the expectation that Azerbaijan would assume its part to get the interest of non-industrial nations in gathering their funding needs for climate variation.

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