Climate Change and Mountain Agriculture Scholarship 2024 by UOAS, KPK, Pakistan
The University Of Agriculture, Swat, announces Climate Change and Mountain Agriculture Scholarship for Research in areas of Agriculture.

Swat: The University Of Agriculture, Swat, announces Climate Change and Mountain Agriculture Scholarship for Research in areas of Agriculture.
Climate Change and Mountain Agriculture Scholarship is awarded to the students of the under developed and mountanous areas of Malakand and Hazara divisions and merged districts (Ex-FATA).
There is a growing realization that training, and educational opportunities and other capacity building for climate resilience are the way forward for progress and prosperity of the nation, a well thought transition to the knowledge economy and green future.
Fully funded plus stipened of Rs.40,000 per year to two (2) students from each district of the above areas.
Click here to apply for the Climate Change and Mountain Agriculture Scholarship.