Climate ChangeWater Crisis

‘Pakistan 8th generally defenseless against climate change’

Pakistan has been positioned the eighth most weak country to climate change in the Worldwide Environment Hazard File Report, representing a serious danger to food security, said Bad habit Chancellor (VC) College of Farming Faisalabad (UAF) Dr Iqrar Ahmad Khan.

He was tending to the seventeenth four-week studio coordinated by the Expert Preparation and Ability

Improvement Center UAF for officials of the Punjab Agribusiness Division on Wednesday.

The meeting is about “Money, Organization, The board and e-Administration” on Wednesday.

VC UAF said that weather conditions have been in steady motion, with moving rainstorm, deferred winters, and serious intensity waves adding to the vulnerability. Talking on the event, Proficient Preparation and Expertise Improvement Center Chief Dr Mahmood A. Randhawa said rural improvement was straightforwardly connected to destitution mitigation.

“It is the need of great importance to guarantee that ranchers approach the most recent innovation, in which ‘we need to assume a significant part’.

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