Climate ChangeSustainability

Finance Minister highlights obligation to address climate challenges

The meeting was likewise joined by delegates from Tajikistan and Malawi, as indicated by a public statement gave by the Service of Money

ISLAMABAD: Overseer Priest for Money, Income, and Financial Undertakings Dr Shamshad Akhtar on Saturday highlighted the responsibility of Pakistan to address climate change difficulties through thorough techniques and drives.

The Minister went to the course named “Changing Environment Activity through Country Environment Improvement Reports” as a feature of a progression of commitment during World Bank and Global Money related Asset yearly gatherings.

The meeting was likewise joined by delegates from Tajikistan and Malawi, said a public statement gave by the Service of Money.

During the conversations, she likewise communicated firm determination of the Finance Minister highlighted the public authority for tending to climate change difficulties through far reaching techniques and drives.

The different board of specialists offered significant viewpoints and encounters that would be useful, working with a rich trade of thoughts and best practices for cultivating worldwide participation and information partaking in the worldwide battle against climate change.

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