Smog awareness campaign

SIALKOT, Feb 18 : Clean Green Record Pakistan public hero Ashfaq Nazar Ghuman said that all living creatures including people, birds and creatures are dealing with extreme issues because of expanding exhaust cloud and air contamination in Punjab.
He communicated these perspectives during a mindfulness crusade among individuals about avoidance of exhaust cloud and air contamination. He said that a spotless and green Pakistan crusade was the need of great importance.
He said that each resident ought to push ahead by supporting the public authority and establishments to manage the difficulties of climate change since individuals were experiencing different sicknesses in Pakistan because of its awful impacts.
He said that the public authority alone couldn’t confront the enormous test, so it was the human, strict and public obligation of each and every person to assume their positive part in a spotless and green Pakistan so we can give sound society to our people in the future.