Climate ChangeSustainability

English HC approaches Punjab Lead representative, talks about advancement of respective relations

English High Magistrate to Pakistan Jane Marriott approached Punjab Lead representative Sardar Saleem Haider Khan at Lead representative’s Home here on Friday, and talked about ways of fortifying respective relations, climate change and matters of common interest. Head of Lahore Office Clara Strandhoj was additionally present. Lead representative Saleem Haider said Pakistan connected extraordinary significance to its relations with England, adding that England upheld Pakistan in each troublesome time including floods, quake, which was properly recognized by the Public authority of Pakistan.

He said Pakistan had experienced a titanic misfortune as blaze floods because of climate change, adding that climate change was affecting the horticulture area of Pakistan. The lead representative communicated trust that England would feature the issue of Pakistan being impacted by climate change at the international discussions. He said that Pakistan was a rural country and supporting ranchers for advancement of the agribusiness sector was vital.

Sardar Saleem Haider Khan said that Pakistan Individuals’ Party had consistently made strides for the government assistance of ranchers and work class, adding that the public authority was attempting to determine wheat emergency issue on need and the circumstance had previously gotten to the next level. He said as a representative of the league in Punjab, he would assume a positive part in progress of Punjab.

The lead representative expressed reinforcing of the alliance government was vital for soundness of the country. He said that political solidness was fundamental to support the economy of the country. He emphasized that all gatherings ought to fail to remember their trivial contrasts and be on same page for improvement of the country.

English HC Jane Marriott said Pakistan and England appreciate great relations. She said it was empowering that the public authority was tending to the climate change issue on need premise. She said England would stretch out hard and fast help to Pakistan to handle climate change issue.

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