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AMNC 2023: Pakistani youth leader calls for int’l efforts to address climate change

TIANJIN, June 30 (China Economic Net) – “It’s my first visit to China. I hope to leverage this opportunity to do something for my country Pakistan and its lovely people!” Muhammad Hassan Dajana, a Climate Action and Advocacy Professional from Pakistan, told China Economic Net while attending the just-concluded 14th Annual Meeting of the New Champions (AMNC), also known as the Summer Davos Forum.

This year’s Summer Davos Forum – scheduled from June 27 to 29 – gathered over 1,500 global leaders from business, government, civil society and international organizations as well as from among innovators and academics, at a crucial time for global economic recovery. Energy transition and materials supply, conservation of nature and climate are among the six major topics of the event.

“I am extremely happy to be selected by the Global Shapers Community an initiative of the World Economic Forum to participate in the AMNC as a delegate representing the Rawalpindi Hub from Pakistan,” Dajana noted.

The AMNC 2023 facilitated dialogue and cooperation among policy-makers, business, technology pioneers, entrepreneurs and innovators to address the world’s most pressing challenges, including the climate, cost of living, energy and food crises. As the co-Founder of Urban Sustainability Startup Green Squad and also the Program Manager of Amal Academy, Dajana told the reporter that the theme “Safeguarding Nature and Climate” is of particular relevance to his work.

“Pakistan is responsible for less than 1% of the world’s planet-warming gases, yet it is one of the top ten most vulnerable nations to the climate crisis,” Dajana highlighted. He proposed joint efforts to address the climate issue. “The first thing is accountability. The world should join hands to increase green climate finance for relevant equipment; secondly, our adaptation and resilience. I think we have wonderful support from China as a wonderful leader; the third is that we need to plan better. We need collaborative networking with the rest of the world, using COP 15 and other mechanisms to do something about it.”

Dajana said, with prior experiences in the US and Europe, he looked forward to seeing what the East can offer.

Dajana noticed that the world is standing at a very crucial stage that multilateral globalism is being converted into unilateral polarization. However, “This forum brings together the world to China. I look forward to connecting with colleagues working on Climate Action, especially business and industry leaders and in particular Chinese colleagues.”

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