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Concern reached 1.5 million people within a year of the historic flooding in Pakistan

SOURCE : Concern Worldwide US Date: 15 June, 2023

Reached 1.5 million people in Pakistan in the year following catastrophic flooding between June and October 2022 that left 33 million people affected, destroying millions of homes, crops, livelihoods, families, and communities.

Concern has been working in #Pakistan since 2001 and has a significant presence in the country – including the provinces of #Sindh, #Punjab and #Balochistan. Immediately following the flooding, the Concern team and local partners mobilized with disaster management authorities to scale up their emergency response. To support the flood-affected communities, Concern focused on a multi-sector response addressing health and nutrition, water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) and livelihoods.

Part of this response included renovating 7 health facilities in Sindh province, installing 500 hand pumps, providing cereal and vegetable seeds to 400 farmers, and training 400 individuals on market-based trade and entrepreneurship development.

Despite the humanitarian support, approximately 10.5 million people from 43 districts in vulnerable provinces of Pakistan are facing acute food insecurity.

Pakistan is susceptible to natural disasters, including floods, heat waves, earthquakes, and droughts. Flooding is a major risk in Pakistan due to its location in the floodplain and the annual heavy monsoon rains. Similar to the 2010 floods in Pakistan, which were one of the worst in the country’s history, the 2022 floods have taken hundreds of lives and displaced millions of people in all four provinces of the country.

Concern is providing support for those forcibly displaced from their home with multi-purpose cash assistance and shelter kits.

Ranking among the top ten countries severely hit by climate change-induced disasters, with the impending landfall of Cyclone Biparjoy in Sindh, Concern’s teams are pre-positioning and preparing for a humanitarian response.

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