Climate ChangeValuing WaterWater Crisis

Heavy #FloodsinPakistan Show Scale of #ClimateChange Driven Vulnerabilities

Heavy #FloodsinPakistan Show Scale of #Climate Change Driven Vulnerabilities

Islamabad; The monsoon rains that began in June caused heavy #FloodsinPakistan , leaving nearly 1,000 people to death and more than 30 million shelterless.

Heavy #FloodsinPakistan Show Scale of Climate Change Driven Vulnerabilities
Heavy #FloodsinPakistan Show Scale of Climate Change Driven Vulnerabilities

The vast devastation, in the form of human lives, damage to infrastructure, livestock, is caused by floods which is indicator of vulnerability and harmful risks of #ClimateChange.

Officials say this year’s floods are comparable to 2010 — the worst on record — when over 2,000 people died and nearly a fifth of the country was under water.

Pakistan’s needs to strengthen her preparedness and response capabilities in the face of floods and other emergencies caused by Climate Change in Pakistan.  International partners, like USA, EU, CHINA,should  support Pakistan for addressing challenges in the aftermath of natural calamities such as devastating flooding of 2022,  and help victims of floods across Pakistan who are struggling to with recover from losses of lives, homes, live stocks.

Pakistan authorities need to understand #ValuingWater, #SaveWater, and build dams and avoid wasting water. Water is vital source, it has enormous power that must be channelized instead of wastage or damaging to life.

By Muhammad Arif

VOW Desk

The Voice of Water: news media dedicated for water conservation.

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