Climate change presents threat to economy’

LAHORE :Chairman UK-Pakistan Joint Business Committee Mian Kashif Ashfaq Wednesday said climate change had represented an extraordinary danger to Pakistan’s economy and horticulture area, with pulverizing results saw in the consequence of ongoing floods.
Talking as an honorable visitor at a workshop on “ChallengesGD of Climate Change” here, he said these floods unleashed ruin, washing away imperative framework and making goliath misfortunes horticulture which was a foundation of Pakistan’s economy.
He said Pakistan’s weakness to climate change was exacerbated by its geological area and dependence on farming, which utilizes a huge part of the populace and contributes fundamentally to the Gross domestic product.
Outrageous climate occasions, similar to floods, dry spells, and heatwaves, are turning out to be more incessant and extreme because of climate change, intensifying the difficulties looked by the agribusiness area.
He focused on the dire requirement for embracing coordinated endeavors at the public and global levels.
Interest in climate-versatile framework, like flood guards and water the executives frameworks, is fundamental to alleviate the dangers presented by outrageous climate occasions.
Moreover, advancing manageable agrarian practices and broadening the economy can improve versatility to climate change while encouraging long haul financial development.
Mian Kashif said the last floods immersed farming terrains, obliterating yields and domesticated animals, and disturbing inventory chains.
Ranchers, previously wrestling with destitution and absence of assets, experienced enormous monetary misfortunes, intensifying provincial neediness and food frailty.
The annihilation of framework, including streets, scaffolds, and water system frameworks, further hampered horticultural efficiency and financial development, he closed.