
23 PhD Scholarships in Agricultural, Life, Environment, Veterinary and Biotechnology Sciences at University of Sassari in Italy

Italy: 23 PhD Grants in Agrarian, Life, Environment, Veterinary and biotechnology Sciences at University of Sassari in Italy; The University of Sassari (UNISS), Italy, traces all the way back to 1562. UNISS is organized more than four grounds, with the primary one being in Sassari, northern Sardinia’s principal city. This grounds is settled in the slopes sitting above the water associating the north bank of Sardinia with the south shore of Corsica. Due to its height it partakes in a calm climate the entire year.

Call for applications to the 40th pattern of PhD program 2024 – 2025: A public choice is announced at the University of Sassari for the honor of PhD positions – XL cycle in the A.Y. 2024/2025. Calls in view of capabilities and examinations are open for the admission to the PhD Programs recorded in Addition 1 and revealing the quantity of positions accessible, the number and sort of grants, the capabilities which will be dependent upon assessment by the Determination board of trustees, the exploration subjects expected for the sole reason for the choice strategy.

Ought to additional grants become accessible inside the cutoff time of this Call, the equivalent might be enhanced with the important positions. The grants covered by this opposition may be authoritatively granted following affirmation of funding by the particular funders. The yearly amount of the grant, which is determined as per craftsmanship. 1 of D.M. 23/02/2022, no. 247, amounts to € 16.243,00 gross of representative advantage costs borne by the beneficiary.

4 Four PhD Grants in Agrarian Sciences: The course expects to prepare exceptionally qualified PhDs equipped for satisfying the need for innovative work in the fields of: (I) agrometeorology and plant ecophysiology; (ii) efficiency of rural harvests; (iii) management and assurance of farming and ranger service creation frameworks; conservation, security and upgrade of regular assets; (iv) biotechnology focused on provincial, national and international creation needs; v) rearing and proliferation methods, sustenance and taking care of, applied hereditary qualities and choice of zootechnical animals likewise with the utilization of sub-atomic science strategies, quality and wellbeing of food results of animal beginning. (vi) The investigation of types of land debasement, understood as genuine or likely loss of land efficiency or utility because of regular or anthropogenic elements influencing food creation and security.

8 Eight PhD Grants in Life Sciences and Biotechnologies: The course is coordinated more than a three-year time span and is portrayed by organized preparing exercises (up close and personal talks, classes and formal work-in-progress introductions, individual review and top to bottom review) and extensively interdisciplinary examination projects, to encourage cooperations and information exchanges between quickly developing fields like present day natural and biomedical sciences. The fundamental exploration regions include: creature science, atomic bases of physiological and neurotic cycles, human and veterinary medication, microbial pathogenicity, contaminations and autoimmunity, biomedical designing and man-made reasoning (artificial intelligence), food and medication creation, agrarian and creature husbandry advancement, environmental insurance, creature biodiversity and bioengineering. The PhD program advances hypothetical trial social preparation and numerous communications with national and international public and confidential research facilities.

5 Five PhD Grants in Engineering and Environment: The point of the PhD program in Engineering and Environment is to prepare a specialist equipped for understanding fabricated spaces and their associations with the environment and landscape to plan their management and change. Specifically, the point of view of the PhD program is to prepare new scientists fit for reflecting inside activity and learning in a self-developmental cycle. The essential target of the course is to create new researchers, experts and business visionaries equipped for accomplishing international conspicuousness.

6 Six PhD Grants in Veterinary sciences: The point of the PhD course is to prepare qualified analysts in the disciplines having a place with the Veterinary Sciences through a multidisciplinary logical and social training moved likewise through the arrangement of exceptionally qualified expert educating. In accordance with the two educational plans, the particular preparation targets of the course are: – to have top to bottom and state-of-the-art information on the systems underlying the cycles innate to conceptive and useful science and animal government assistance conditions, fully intent on creating explicit information for the turn of events and use of biotechnologies in animal generation and to work on the regenerative execution and productivity of animals ranches.

Affirmation prerequisites:

Candidates might apply for admission to PhD Courses, according to the past article, determining the specific name of the educational plan, just for those Courses that accommodate them, who hold a particular or magistral degree granted as per the DD.MM. 3 November 1999 no. 509 and 22 October 2004 no. 270, or a degree got under the past university framework (preceding D.M. no. 509 of 3 November 1999) or other identical capability got abroad.

Unfamiliar residents possessing a capability that has not as of now been proclaimed comparable to a university degree must – exclusively with the end goal of admission to the PhD Course to which they plan to apply – go with the application structure, as per the system depicted in craftsmanship. 5 beneath, with the reports important to permit the Choice Advisory group to pronounce comparability. Said archives should be converted into Italian or introduced in English, French or Spanish and sanctioned by the equipped Italian conciliatory or consular portrayals abroad as per the guidelines in force for the confirmation of unfamiliar understudies to certification courses at Italian universities.

The most effective method to APPLY:

Applications should be submitted, on punishment of prohibition, by 1 pm of 12 July 2024 (CET) exclusively by associating with and signing in the individual region (or enlisting assuming that the UNISS web administration is utilized interestingly). Applications should be submitted to the modes gave by the “How to present an application” archive distributed in total agreement of the UNISS site where the call is distributed. Whenever required, the application might be altered straight by the candidate, inside the particulars of this notification, just through the site, by signing in, choosing the call and tapping on “alter (modifica). Application cutoff time is 12/07/2024. Help for online administrations for understudies is accessible through email to


Call XL cycle

Annex 1


Allegato_Annex 3


Instructions for submitting competition applications

Tutorial – Registration call

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